My Services

Labor Support
Doulas continue to be recognized for the positive effects they have on laboring women, their partners and their babies. Births attended by doulas generally have a reduction in medical intervention and improved birth outcomes.
Having a doula:
  • cuts in half the odds of having an unnecessary cesarean
  • reduces the rate of forcep or vacuum-assisted delivery
  • shortens labor by reducing stress, discomfort & anxiety
  • reduces the use of pitocin
  • reduces requests for pain medication
  • increases positive feelings about the birthing experience
It is now widely recognized that adding a labor support person (doula) to your birth circle can yield many positive benefits.

My goal is to support families in having satisfying birth experiences. I will provide continuous support to the mom and as needed support to the whole birth team. Often the doula is the only person present for the whole labor experience, other than the partner

My role during labor is to:
  • Provide continuous support throughout the entire labor and birth process, to ensure that you will be as comfortable and at ease as possible during your birth.
  • Support the decisions you make about your birth.
  • Suggest positions, comfort measures, and techniques to help the progress of labor.
  • Answer questions or help you get your questions answered.
  • Provide emotional support and encouragement to you and your partner.
  • Help your partner take as active a role as desired in supporting you.
I will not:
  • Perform clinical tasks such as; blood pressure, check fetal heart tones or vaginal exams.
  • Make decisions for you.
  • Communicate decisions on your behalf to the medical staff - you or your partner will speak on your own behalf to the clinical staff.
It is my hope that you will feel fully supported as you meet the unique challenges of your labor, and that your birth will be a positive experience during which you feel confident, informed, and surrounded by care, love and respect.