What is a Doula?

What is a doula?

Doulas are women's servants; we act as a companion for a family during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum life.  We are a  knowledgeable   guide, helping a family experience the birth they would like to have.  I will help your family navigate the modern maternity system, providing information and helping you explore your options.    

Why a doula?

Through clinical studies, it has been found that a doula's support through birth:
  • helps to empower women, creating a more positive birth experience;
  • tends to shorten labor, and reduce complications;
  • decreases the need for interventions including induction (Pitocin), mechanical deliveries (vaccum or forcep extraction), and cesareans;
  • tends to reduce requests for epidurals.

Doulas do not:

  • Doulas do not take the place of a midwife or obstetrician.
  • We do not perform clinical tasks: fetal monitoring, blood pressure or any exams.
  • We do not take the place of the partner: we act as a support to both mother and her partner, and encourage your partner to be as involved as they feel comfortable.
  • Doulas do not take over the decision making process: we will support you in any decisions you make.  
  • We do not take over communication with your doctors, midwives, nurses and other caregivers: we simply help you form your ideas and support you in communicating with your other caregivers.

What is a  Birth Doula?
The word doula is derived from the Greek language and means woman’s servant. Today, a doula’s purpose is to support, guide and honor each family’s journey through pregnancy, labor and beyond.

What’s the difference between a doula and a midwife?
A midwife does the prenatal and clinical care and catches the baby. A doula is a support person for the mother and partner. She provides emotional, physical and informational support.

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